
Best Revision


Revision Tips
March 13, 2023

Note-taking lets you absorb information while keeping track of it for later review. But how should you take and read your notes to most effectively understand what you’re learning long-term?

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Our Best Tips

Flyp's Revision Techniques

  • Set Realistic Goals
    Don’t over-think your revision – try not to spend more than 10 hours a week on it. Instead, focus on key areas you need to improve to achieve good grades. This will help you avoid burnout and make the most of your time.
  • Use Resources Wisely
    It’s essential to use resources appropriately. For example, using videos as a resource for revision can be helpful, but make sure you watch them before taking any exams to get the most out of them. Likewise, quizzes can be beneficial when studying for exams but ensure you take the time to answer all questions correctly and analyse the answers closely afterwards to gain meaningful insights into the material. Consider if you’re a visual person or auditory person and find material which supports your learning style.
  • Take Breaks Regularly
    Revising is hard work if done continuously without the benefit of a break; even short study breaks (30 minutes or less) can help revitalise your brain and allow you to come back with fresh ideas and renewed energy, ready for another round of revision. Try not to push yourself too hard; instead, give yourself plenty of opportunity and space to rest and relax so that you can approach your revised material with fresh eyes each time. A good night’s sleep also benefits your long-term memory.
  • Get Feedback From Others
    Revision sessions with others can make it a fun experience and help you feel more relaxed and motivated. Additional benefits from such positive feelings are that they may contribute to increased retention and recollection of the material. Having a study buddy can also help you to catch mistakes sooner and improve your confidence in the subject knowledge. Furthermore, deconstructing content and explaining it in your language or learning by teaching has been proven to help retain information.
  • Set up a Revision Timetable
    If you’re the kind of person who craves structure, setting a revision timetable may benefit you. You know yourself best; allocate a revision session at the time of the day when your brain is most focused. Make use of this revision time and block out distractions. Promise yourself a reward if you want motivation.
  • Create Mind Maps
    Mind maps can be a great way to visualise the information and connect ideas or concepts. You can connect your study notes to the concepts and build on them. Mind maps help to make associations between ideas which can help you memorise quicker. Pro revision tip; print your mind maps and place them on your wall so you see them more often and embed them in your memory.
  • Create and use Flashcards
    Flash cards are another effective revision tool. Flash cards can be a lot of fun, and you can use them with friends. Students can create flashcards (possibly from the mind maps) and use them to assist in memorising key points. Use the cards and put the correct cards in one pile and the incorrect ones in another. This helps you to identify the content you may be weak with.

Whether you are a High School, College or University student, hopefully these simple tips will help you with your exam revision. If you want to benefit from a more personalised learning experience, check out the free Flyp Academy Platform.

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  • Real exam practice hub with hundreds of questions for each subject.
  • Make your own notes on each lesson, and save them in your digital notebook.
  • Use our in-built productivity features to get the most out of your learning.
  • Boost your position on the leaderboard with 2x xp, as well as the ability to lock your streak.
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We've got the answers for your questions

What is Flyp Academy?

The CBSE exams are 2-year courses taken at the end of year 13. Often they comprise of a set of exams, as well as coursework or a controlled assessment. They are graded on a scale of E to A1.

How hard are the CBSEs?

There are no easy or hard CBSEs, and success generally depends on the student's amount of time invested, interest and predisposition. Most importantly, whether you're signed up to Flyp Academy!

How many CBSE subjects should I take on Flyp?

Take as many or as few as you like! The more, the better, so long as you're examined in them of course. We recommend adding all subjects that you're studying, as well as those you are either considering taking, or planning on studying beyond CBSE.

How long should I study before I get an A1?

Studying varies from person to person. With Flyp, you're provided all the tools you need to guarantee a great grade as efficiently as possible.